Core Curriculum 2025

The Core Curriculum 2025 Committee has the important task of developing recommendations for a new or revised general education program that could be required of all undergraduates on the Twin Cities campus who are admitted in Fall 2025 and beyond. Throughout their work, the committee will be consulting broadly with University stakeholders, including but not limited to students, faculty, advisors, administrators, and employers, and will be sharing regular updates with the University community.

The current liberal education system has been in place with only minimal adjustments at the University for close to 30 years. Since 1991, students, their employers, faculty, and indeed the entire world have undergone significant changes. Questions of what students need to learn and what a modern general education program at a comprehensive R-1 flagship university should look like will be explored with the goal of best preparing our students for a complex world.

Committee Charge (pdf)

CC 2025 Draft Report

Committee membership

CC 2025 Committee Membership Roster 

Committee timeline

  • The Core Curriculum 2025 committee began meeting in January 2022. Click to view meeting summaries. 
  • One or more program concepts will be presented to the University community in Fall 2023 for feedback and iteration. 

Throughout these months, the committee will be consulting broadly and sharing regular updates with student and faculty governance and also academic advisors.

Comments are welcome

The committee welcomes input from any party that has an interest in the general education requirements at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. You may email your comments to any member of the committee, including the chair, or submit them using this form.